Index Inclusion To Boost Asian Trading
June 28, 2018  Markets Media

The whole of Asia represents a significant opportunity as increasing investment flows are expected into the region and China has been included in the benchmark emerging markets index according to Tony Amicangioli, chief executive of trading infrastructure technologies provider Hyannis Port Research.

At the start of this month index provider MSCI incorporated 226 A-shares, which are traded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges in renminbi, into its mainstream emerging markets and world indices after four years of consultation. This is the first step in a process towards including 5% of eligible A-shares by September.

Amicangioli told Markets Media in an email that Hyannis Port Research has seen an increase in interest in accessing China due to the index inclusion. The inclusion has been in the planning phase for over a year and so many clients have been making preparations.